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There are those who make music and those who are are made of music. Lucian is the latter. Not only is he a consummate singer, player, and songwriter, but more importantly he never loses sight of the fact music is meant to be shared and performed.” - Danny Greenberg

— Bridges and Tunnels Music


Lucian Smith

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An electrifying musical collage beginning in a void of uncertainty, then taking the listener on a journey through space and time.

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    Red Dwarf

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    Haze 4:23
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    Different But The Same

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  4. 4
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    Pain Baby

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    Blue 4:48
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    True Connection

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    All Along

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    I'll Be There

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About me

Lucian Smith

composer | words | keys | rhythms | vox


Growing up Lucian was inspired by his musical family and began writing compositions on a beta version of NoteWorthy Composer. He used the program to type in each note onto the musical staff with a computer keypad and playback was available via MIDI instruments (albeit a far cry from where they are today, sounding more like a jack-in-the-box than an orchestra). He remembers a defining moment when entering the pipe room behind the organ at church and being inside amongst the monstrous machine as it played. This was his first experience with real-life automation which began to shape his intrigue with programming and synthesis.

His formal training began in high school at Capitol Conservatory of Music. Next, Wright State University where he completed their Professional Actor Training Program in their Musical Theatre Department and began Music Directing rock musicals in the student lab. After graduation he began performing across the country as a pianist, vocalist and actor. He arranged and music directed several original stage works and cabarets while also teaching music at Performer's Theatre Workshop in New Jersey.

Lucian now resides in Los Angeles and makes music from his home studio pursuing his passion to define irregular tones and off-setting rhythms while hoping to inspire new insight and perspective for listeners of all kinds. You can catch him performing on the Santa Monica Pier, in local music halls and whenever he travels.

Music [singles]

Music [instrumentals]


Special recognition should be given to music director and orchestrator Lucian Smith for the magnificent arrangements. It was simple and beautiful, blending the styles together [...] There were songs in the piece that could easily be transported to radio today!” - Michael Bradley Block

— Theatre In the Now, NYC



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